In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying competitive and efficient is paramount for success. As the owner of a growing cleaning or service business, you understand probably understand 2 things.

  1. The importance of delivering top-notch service.
  2. The importance of building systems that allow your business to scale.

One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is hiring a virtual assistant (VA) to help with administrative tasks, customer service, and more. If you’re considering bringing a virtual assistant on board, here’s a comprehensive guide on what you need to do to prepare your cleaning business for this exciting new addition.

The process can seem a little overwhelming, but NinjaVA is here to support you throughout the process! We are your complete Hiring Solution, Training System and Management Software for Virtual Assistants.

1. Identify Tasks for Delegation:

Before you start searching for a virtual assistant, take some time to identify the tasks that you want to delegate. Consider tasks that are time-consuming but essential for your business. These might include appointment scheduling, responding to customer inquiries, managing emails, social media management, and basic bookkeeping. I like to start the list with things that are:

  • Repetitive and ongoing;
  • Relatively low skill and discretion required;
  • Tasks that ‘take’ your personal energy, rather than ‘bring’ it.

Note: The process of onboarding your first Virtual Assistant is going to cause your business to grow in a very healthy way! Through the process, your procedures and systems will be defined and made available for any capable individual to follow. It’s time to remove you as the bottleneck to your business dealings and we’re here to support you through the journey!

2. Document Processes (kind of):

Clear communication is key to a successful working relationship with your virtual assistant. If you can have some documentation of the processes and procedures in your business that’s great, but it’s certainly not imperative. This documentation will serve as a reference point for your VA, ensuring that they understand your expectations and can perform tasks efficiently, but they can also create it themselves. I usually prefer to show my new Virtual Assistant a process over a Zoom call, they I like to have them document the process. This approach does 3 things for you and your business:

  1. It saves your time for higher-value tasks;
  2. Reviewing their newly created documentation, it gives you a high level of confidence in their understanding;
  3. It allows your company to build out a comprehensive library of processes and procedures which will increase the value of your business and allow for smoother operation in the future.

3. Embrace Technology:

Since your virtual assistant will be working remotely, it’s important to leverage technology for seamless communication and collaboration. Set up communication channels such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing tools. Here are our favorite software:

When sharing sensitive business information with anyone, virtual assistants included, security is paramount. Implement security measures like password protection, reduced user permissions, encryption, and secure file-sharing methods to ensure that your business data remains confidential. We are here to help answer any specific questions about creating secure access.

4. Open Communication  & Personal Availability:

It’s super important to establish regular check-in meetings with your new Virtual Assistant. These meetings should start out twice daily for the first week, then they can lessen to once a day thereafter. They will serve as an opportunity to discuss progress, address any questions or concerns, and provide feedback.

Bringing a virtual assistant into your service or cleaning business can be a game-changer, allowing you to focus on core aspects of your company while delegating time-consuming tasks. By following these steps and cultivating a positive working relationship, you can set the stage for a successful collaboration that benefits you,  your business, and your virtual assistant.